
$612,000 Raised to Support Students!

2023 groves gala logoThank you,
Groves Community!

On Saturday, April 22nd, more than 500 people gathered for an exciting evening to make an impact in the lives of students across our state and to celebrate and raise important funds for GLO. These critical funds provide tuition assistance for our students and expand our literacy partnerships with schools that otherwise could not afford it, helping to close the literacy achievement gap in our communities.

Mark Your Calendars for Next Year’s Gala
Saturday, April 20, 2024
Minneapolis Marriot City Center

50 Years of Groves Academy
Groves Co-Founder Margie Zats Celebrates 50 Years
Illuminating the Path of Education at Groves Academy


2023 Gala Committee Members

Rachel Bedo, Trish Blake, Mary Jo DeVillers, Emily Ertel, Emily Groebner, Anne Hable, Anne Haight, Amy Hannigan, Julie Hottinger, Janae Jeannequin, Kaydee Kirk, Frankie Lenzmeier, Chandler Murphy, Amy Newton, Jenny Nimerick, Susie Perera, Sheila Peterson, Killian Rieder, Katherine Swanson, Josie Tober, David Wells

Thank you to this year’s sponsors for the Annual Groves Gala. Groves is grateful for all of their partnerships.

Want to Support the Gala?

Donate to the Gala!

Proceeds from the Groves Gala support Groves Academy and Groves Literacy Partnerships as we work to provide tuition assistance for our students and help to close the literacy gap with our partner schools.



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